Stela Dimitrova Zhelezova


Institute of Mathematics and Informatics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences


Research Interests:

construction and study of combinatorial resolvable designs, orthogonal resolutions, spreads and parallelisms of projective spaces, cryptographic properties of boolean functions and S-boxes

Personal Data

List of publications




Institute of  Mathematics and Informatics

P.O.Box 323

5000 V.Tarnovo


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Doubly resolvable designs (DRD) with small parameters and their sets of m mutually orthogonal resolutions (m-MORs)

(v,c x u,lambda)-splitting BIBDs

Point-cyclic KTS(45)

Number of Pasch configurations of cyclic STS(45)

Cyclically Resolvable STS(57)

Cyclic parallelisms of PG(5,2)

2-parallelisms of PG(5,2) with  automorphisms of order 31

Transitive 2-parallelisms of PG(5,2)

Regular parallelisms of PG(3,4) with deficiency m=5

Uniform subregular parallelisms of PG(3,4) invariant under authomorphism group of order 2 wich fix a line pointwise

Parallelisms of PG(3,4) with automorphisms of order 3

Parallelisms of PG(3,4) with cyclic automorphism group of order 4

All Parallelisms of PG(3,4) with full automorphism group of order 4

Parallelisms of PG(3,4) with full automorphism group of order 4m, m > 1

Parallelisms of PG(3,4) with automorphisms of order 5

Parallelisms of PG(3,4) with automorphisms of order 7

Regular parallelisms PG(3,5)

Parallelisms of PG(3,5) with automorphism of order 13

Parallelisms of PG(3,5) with cyclic automorphism group of order 8 and specific structure

Parallelisms of PG(3,5) with an automorphism group of order 25

Transitive deficiency one parallelisms of PG(3,7)

Some uniform deficiency one parallelisms of PG(3,7)