d&Ad       {Bi}      {αi}



Under the link d&Ad minimum distance, number of the codewords of minimum weight, the number of the polynomial from the list of polynomials and number of the positions the code is shortened are presented. Example: 3 20 15.7 means that the code has minimum distance 3, 20 codewords of weight 3, the polynomial is with number 15 in the list and the last 7 positions of the full length code are deleted.


Under the links {Bi} and {αi} weight enumerator and coset leaders weight enumerator are given. The data for each CRC code are presented in two rows. The first row contains dimension and length of the code and the number of the polynomial from the list of polynomials and number of the positions the code is shortened. The second row is a list of pairs presenting the weight of the codeword/coset leader and the number of the codewords/coset leaders of this weight. Example: 4 13 5.2

                                                                                0,1 6,4 7,8 8,3 

This is a CRC code of dimension 4, length 13, number 5 in the list of polynomials and shortened in the last two positions.


In all the files the data for different polynomials are separated by an empty line.